Monday, September 26, 2011

I Hate Public Speaking

That video about hating public speaking was interesting to say the least. I think the point that was trying to be made was all the emotions that a person might feel if they have to speak in front of a large group of people. I honestly don’t mind speaking too much, although sometimes I do worry about forgetting what I was going to say or drawing a blank. I think that the main thing that is to be learned from this video is to not worry too much when you have to give a speech or talk in front of a large group of people. It is after all a lot like talking to your friends or smaller groups of people, they just don’t respond verbally to what you say until possibly the end. Another thing that the video has as a main point is that you can be you own worst enemy by creating problems that don’t exist. That can be true for speaking in public or every single human activity that can be done. The main thing that we can learn from all this is to just take things in stride and to act confident. Honestly even faking confidence is better than being obviously scared out of your mind. Nine tenths of pretty much everything is attitude.

Picture from:

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

About Me Part 4

Finally I posted this picture to describe me because I generally try to be a fun-loving person. I can be serious and I can be fun sometimes. I know sometimes I come off as serious, but that is only when I have something I have to do or some other kind of thing I have to work on. When I have nothing to do or am around people that I know I tend to become a more open person that makes jokes and stuff like that. I also have a weird sense of humor that some people might not always gets, but hey at least I try.

About Me Part 3

I posted this picture because I am a Christian and that is very important in my life. It is actually the most important thing in my life and it does the most to shape my view of the world and how I approach things in life. It also provides the moral teachings that I try to follow. I try to treat others the way I would want to be treated and I try to give everyone with respect. I would have to say that my favorite books in the Bible are probably Revelation and the books of the old testament prophets like Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel.

Photo From:

About Me Part 2

This photo describes me because I am a super patriotic person. I love my country and am very proud of it. The thing I like most about this country is that you have the freedom to thing how you want and do what you want. You are allowed to go where you want and believe what you want. In most countries in the world you don't even have those basic rights. When you see how things are in the world and the situation some people are in, you realize how good we have it here and that most people just take it for granted or are busy being critical about stupid things that aren't even important. I mean at least here we have the right to disagree with each other.

Photo from:

About Me Part 1

I guess that this picture does a pretty good job of describing me. I do like to read often and I also like learning new things. I think that the best way to learn new things is to either experience it or at least read a first hand account of it in a book. I also feel that is one of the problems with our society. I think this picture also helps describes me because I am fairly good at retaining information that I hear of read. I generally like learning new things unless its a topic that holds no interest to me at all.