Monday, September 26, 2011

I Hate Public Speaking

That video about hating public speaking was interesting to say the least. I think the point that was trying to be made was all the emotions that a person might feel if they have to speak in front of a large group of people. I honestly don’t mind speaking too much, although sometimes I do worry about forgetting what I was going to say or drawing a blank. I think that the main thing that is to be learned from this video is to not worry too much when you have to give a speech or talk in front of a large group of people. It is after all a lot like talking to your friends or smaller groups of people, they just don’t respond verbally to what you say until possibly the end. Another thing that the video has as a main point is that you can be you own worst enemy by creating problems that don’t exist. That can be true for speaking in public or every single human activity that can be done. The main thing that we can learn from all this is to just take things in stride and to act confident. Honestly even faking confidence is better than being obviously scared out of your mind. Nine tenths of pretty much everything is attitude.

Picture from:


Simsbumponablog said...

Very true. I love your sentence about attitude. You definitely got the message.


Love the picture, but are you sure the site isn't toastmasters?

Unknown said...
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